Social Media

Bell Social Media Policies

External Social Media Policy

Thank you for following Bell Textron Inc. on social media. To ensure we maintain informative and engaging platforms, we have outlined our external social media policy regarding third-party comments below. Please refer to these guidelines when contributing to our growing channels.


Note that while Bell does not discriminate against any views, we reserve the right to delete or mark as spam any comment at any time. We may remove comments that are:

  • Abusive, obscene or profane
  • Threatening, discriminatory, harassing or hate speech
  • Inappropriate, violent or sexually explicit
  • Suggestive or encouraging of illegal activity
  • Misleading or misrepresentative in nature
  • Spam
  • Copied and pasted multiple times
  • Promoting a business for profit or commercial transaction
  • Promoting a political candidate or lobbyist

User comments are not edited or checked for accuracy. All comments left on Bell social media networking sites are the responsibility and opinion of the commenter; these views do not necessarily reflect those of our company.