Tiltrotor Technology

The tiltrotor advantage

Tiltrotors are a one-of-a-kind technology, combining the vertical lift of a helicopter with the speed and range of a fixed-wing aircraft.


It's the dominant rotorcraft, an absolute overmatch for any other competitor. With more than 30 years and 750,000 flight hours, Bell is proud to be the experts in tiltrotor technology.


Tiltrotors can transition from vertical to horizontal flight, allowing them to achieve speeds reached by fixed-wing aircraft, making them ideal for missions requiring rapid transport.




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Tiltrotors can travel longer distances without refueling compared to other types of rotorcraft, enabling rapid deployment of forces over long distances, enhancing flexibility in responding to global threats or crises, and supporting sustained operations in remote or contested regions.




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Tiltrotors combine the vertical takeoff and landing capabilities of helicopters with the speed and efficiency of fixed-wing aircraft, which increases operational flexibility and accessibility to remote or congested areas. They can perform a wide range of missions, including passenger transport, cargo delivery, search and rescue, aerial firefighting, military operations, and offshore operations.


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Tiltrotors typically consume less fuel and operate at lower costs than helicopters of similar size and capability. Their ability to transition between vertical and horizontal flight modes allows for more efficient fuel use during different phases of flight.


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Tiltrotor innovation

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Bell V-280

Purpose-built to revolutionize the reach and effectiveness of each mission while offering unmatched maneuverability, reduced downtime and elevated mission safety. With over twice the speed and range as current weapons systems, FLRAA is the proven long-range maneuver solution.

Bell Boeing V-22

Perform the previously impossible. Fixed-wing speed range, endurance and altitude combined with vertical lift. Over 600,000 flight hours. A revolutionary advantage across the full range of military operations in the most challenging of environments.


HSVTOL technology blends the hover capability of a helicopter with the speed, range and survivability features of a jet aircraft. Bell’s scalable family of HSVTOL aircraft systems is critical to future mission needs and serving the next generation of warfighters.