Team Viper / Venom

Your partner in defense

With aircraft designed to meet the strict standards of the United States Marine Corps, Team Viper / Venom offers solutions crafted by the most trusted brands in defense for the most trusted warriors. Equipped with centuries of combined experience across aerospace and technology, this unique partnership equips you with innovative, mission-ready systems. Working in tandem to support rugged missions in any environment, Team Viper / Venom offers you full attack and utility aircraft with 85% commonality, lowering your logistics costs while equipping you with the most advanced engineering in the industry. Fueled by the most elite 21st-century defense technology available, the experts of Team Viper / Venom are your first ally in the fight.


Learn more about Team Viper / Venom
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    • Bell AH-1Z / UH-1Y - Team Venom Viper Fact Sheet